Thursday, May 14, 2009

Der Starbucks-Hype erobert Polen

In Warschau hat erstmals ein Starbucks aufgemacht, und das mit Erfolg - wie dieser unterhaltsame Artikel der Washington Post dokumentiert. Auszug:

After the new Starbucks opened, I walked by the place a couple of times, just to see the crowds. (...) Up and down the street, blue-jeaned students and dark-suited stockbrokers carried their white paper cups with pride, the famous green label facing outward. (...)
Looking at that line of 20-somethings, all waiting patiently for the chance to pay twice as much for a cup of coffee as they would pay across the street, one had to wonder what was up. (...)
But even if you haven't quite attained that financial latitude, you can pretend to have done so at Starbucks. If you are still a student, or if you are just starting out in the stock market or fashion, you might not yet have the money to buy designer shoes or a new car. You are therefore more likely to indulge in small luxuries, such as overpriced coffee. (...)
