Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Honor Freedom: President George W. Bush

Seit ein paar Wochen gibt es eine neue, überwiegend im Internet aktive Initiative zur Verteidigung des ehemaligen Präsidenten George W. Bush. "Honor Freedom" heißt die von Jeffrey Scott Shapio gegründete Gruppe, die eine Homepage und eine eigene Facebook-Gruppe hat. Shapio schreibt Kolumnen für FoxNews.com und präsentierte seine Initiative bereits in der Online-Nachrichtensendung "Strategy Room". Shapio und andere Mitstreiter waren auf auf der jüngsten Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington präsent, wo sie die Gelegenheit zu einem persönlichen Gespräch mit Dick Cheney hatten.

Wenige Tage später hatte Jeffrey Scott Shapio endlich auch ein Gespräch mit George W. Bush. Sichtlich stolz schreibt er auf Facebook:

Thanks to a Facebook update on our page from a member, we learned about a Washington, D.C. event where President Bush was being honored by the Marine Corps. After making a quick inquiry, we were offered an invitation. I personally spoke to President Bush - who by the way loved the new "DEFEND PRESIDENT BUSH: www.honorfreedom.com" business cards we handed out at CPAC. He has put us in touch with his personal aide to update his office about HONOR FREEDOM and we will be speaking with him next week.

President Bush told his audience that he was happy to be out of Washington and back home in Texas with Laura. He made everyone laugh when he told this story about his first conversation with Laura in Texas:

GWB: "I'm free, I'm free - free at last!"

Laura: "Free? You're free to do the dishes and the laundry . . . "

GWB: "Hey, you're talking to a former President of the United States here."

Laura: "Well, consider this your new domestic policy agenda!"

It was a great evening and Bush looked very happy. He apparently also visited Vice-President Cheney in the hospital. I thought you'd all enjoy knowing this. We have received some contributions from the www.honorfreedom.com page and want you to know we greatly appreciate it. Those contributions help tremendously. Keep commenting on our page to keep the debate going if you can and make sure to keep visiting the www.honorfreedom.com site to familiarize yourself with facts about the Iraq War so you can effectively debate Leftists who falsely accuse President Bush.

Da kann ich nur gratulieren. Schön zu hören, dass George W. seinen Ruhestand genießen kann und er guter Dinge ist. Und schön zu hören, dass seine Anhänger ihn nicht vergessen haben, sondern weiter für ihn kämpfen!